
The Commission meets on the 4th Thursday of each month, pending Holiday schedules and business items.

The regular Commission meeting will be held at 6:30pm in person at Cabot WaterWorks main office at #1 City Plaza, Suite B in Cabot.

If you are unable to attend in person, the meeting will also be held via Zoom.

The Commission has the full and complete authority to manage, operate, improve, extend, and maintain the municipal waterworks and wastewater system, and has full and complete control of the plants and all facilities.

The Commission’s mission, strategy, and vision is to supply customers with adequate and reliable water and wastewater service for the short and long term at the lowest rates consistent with costs. The Commission will place strong emphasis on the very best price / performance for their customers and citizens, build strong relationships and consensus with City Government, the private sector, and industry to help the City of Cabot be a national model for sound and sustainable growth for a great “Hometown”.

The Commission’s current focus is on Strategic Planning through year 2070 for water and wastewater infrastructure in consideration of funding options and customer rates.

The commission meeting information and Zoom links have been moved to the "Commission Meeting Minutes" page under the "Commission and Policies" header.